Monday, April 2, 2012

ADVERB (Tugas Bulan 2)

       1.   PENDAHULUAN

Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada banyak hal yang harus diketahui terlebih dahulu, salah satunya adalah bagian-bagian perkataan yang diucapkan atau  dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut Parts of Speech. Dalam tata bahasa (grammar) Bahasa Inggris, Parts of Speech diklasifikasikan dalam delapan jenis kata yang digolongkan sesuai dengan apa yang ditunjukkannya yakni noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), adjective (kata sifat), verb (kata benda), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan/preposisi), conjunction (kata sambung/penghubung) dan interjection (kata seru). Namun dalam makalah ini hanya akan dibahas tentang “adverb” sesuai dengan lingkup yang telah ditentukan.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Relative Clause

A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun phrase, most commonly a noun. For example, the phrase "the man who wasn't there" contains the noun man, which is modified by the relative clause who wasn't there. A relative clause can also modify a pronoun, as in "he to whom I have written", or a noun phrase which already contains a modifier, as in "the black panther in the tree, which is about to pounce". The complete phrase (modified noun phrase plus modifying relative clause) is also a noun phrase.

In many European languages, relative clauses are introduced by a special class of pronouns called relative pronouns; in the previous example, who is a relative pronoun. In other languages, relative clauses may be marked in different ways: they may be introduced by a special class of conjunctions called relativizers; the main verb of the relative clause may appear in a special morphological variant; or a relative clause may be indicated by word order alone. In some languages, more than one of these mechanisms may be possible.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Letters of Complaint by Inserting The Correct Verb Form and Appropriate Expressions

a)         I will informing that complaints have been received about dogs dirtving the grounds and ground floor lobby. When I investigated , I discovered that the dogs belong to you. I also  finding that they have been frightening the children playing in the estate. In view of this , I am sure you are keep your dogs on a leash when they are out in the grounds. To ensure clean premises, I am grateful if you taken them daily to the public park nearby.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Application Letter

Bogor, January 5, 2012
Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Yayasan KPT
Jl. Cicadas No. 99

Monday, April 2, 2012

ADVERB (Tugas Bulan 2)

       1.   PENDAHULUAN

Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada banyak hal yang harus diketahui terlebih dahulu, salah satunya adalah bagian-bagian perkataan yang diucapkan atau  dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut Parts of Speech. Dalam tata bahasa (grammar) Bahasa Inggris, Parts of Speech diklasifikasikan dalam delapan jenis kata yang digolongkan sesuai dengan apa yang ditunjukkannya yakni noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), adjective (kata sifat), verb (kata benda), adverb (kata keterangan), preposition (kata depan/preposisi), conjunction (kata sambung/penghubung) dan interjection (kata seru). Namun dalam makalah ini hanya akan dibahas tentang “adverb” sesuai dengan lingkup yang telah ditentukan.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Relative Clause

A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun phrase, most commonly a noun. For example, the phrase "the man who wasn't there" contains the noun man, which is modified by the relative clause who wasn't there. A relative clause can also modify a pronoun, as in "he to whom I have written", or a noun phrase which already contains a modifier, as in "the black panther in the tree, which is about to pounce". The complete phrase (modified noun phrase plus modifying relative clause) is also a noun phrase.

In many European languages, relative clauses are introduced by a special class of pronouns called relative pronouns; in the previous example, who is a relative pronoun. In other languages, relative clauses may be marked in different ways: they may be introduced by a special class of conjunctions called relativizers; the main verb of the relative clause may appear in a special morphological variant; or a relative clause may be indicated by word order alone. In some languages, more than one of these mechanisms may be possible.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Letters of Complaint by Inserting The Correct Verb Form and Appropriate Expressions

a)         I will informing that complaints have been received about dogs dirtving the grounds and ground floor lobby. When I investigated , I discovered that the dogs belong to you. I also  finding that they have been frightening the children playing in the estate. In view of this , I am sure you are keep your dogs on a leash when they are out in the grounds. To ensure clean premises, I am grateful if you taken them daily to the public park nearby.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Application Letter

Bogor, January 5, 2012
Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Yayasan KPT
Jl. Cicadas No. 99