A relative clause
is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun phrase, most commonly a noun. For
example, the phrase "the man who wasn't there" contains the noun man,
which is modified by the relative clause who wasn't there. A relative clause
can also modify a pronoun, as in "he to whom I have written", or a
noun phrase which already contains a modifier, as in "the black panther in
the tree, which is about to pounce". The complete phrase (modified noun
phrase plus modifying relative clause) is also a noun phrase.
In many European languages, relative clauses are introduced
by a special class of pronouns called relative pronouns; in the previous
example, who is a relative pronoun. In other languages, relative clauses may be
marked in different ways: they may be introduced by a special class of
conjunctions called relativizers; the main verb of the relative clause may
appear in a special morphological variant; or a relative clause may be
indicated by word order alone. In some languages, more than one of these
mechanisms may be possible.
Types of relative
A relative clause is always used to join together two
sentences that share one of their arguments. For example, the sentence
"The man that I saw yesterday went home" is equivalent to the
following two sentences: "The man went home. I saw the man
yesterday." In this case, "the man" occurs as argument to both
sentences. Note that there is no requirement that the shared argument fulfills
the same role in both of the joined sentences; indeed, in this example,
"the man" is subject of the first, but direct object of the second.
The two sentences joined in a relative-clause construction
are known as the main clause or matrix clause (the outer clause) and the
embedded clause or relative clause (the inner clause). The shared noun as it
occurs in the main clause is termed the head noun. Languages differ in many
ways in how relative clauses are expressed:
1 How the role of the shared noun phrase is
indicated in the embedded clause.
2 How the two clauses are joined together.
3 Where
the embedded clause is placed relative to the head noun (in the process
indicating which noun phrase in the
main clause is modified).
For example, the English sentence "The man that I saw
yesterday went home" can be described as follows:
1 The role of the shared noun in the embedded
clause is indicated by gapping (i.e. in the embedded clause "that I saw
yesterday", a gap is left after "saw" to indicate where the
shared noun would go).
2 The clauses are
joined by the complementizer "that".
3 The embedded
clause is placed after the head noun "the man".
The following sentences indicate various possibilities (only
some of which are grammatical in English):
"The man [that I saw yesterday] went
home". (A complementizer linking the two clauses with a gapping strategy
indicating the role of the shared noun in the embedded clause. One possibility
in English. Very common cross-linguistically.)
"The man [I saw yesterday] went home".
(Gapping strategy, with no word joining the clauses—also known as a reduced
relative clause. One possibility in English. Used in Arabic when the head noun
is indefinite, as in "a man" instead of "the man".)
"The man [whom I saw yesterday] went
home". (A relative pronoun indicating the role of the shared noun in the
embedded clause — in this case, the direct object. Used in formal English, as
in Latin, German or Russian.)
"The man [seen by me yesterday] went
home". (A reduced relative clause, in this case passivized. One
possibility in English.)
"The man [that I saw him yesterday] went
home". (A complementizer linking the two sentences with a resumptive
pronoun indicating the role of the shared noun in the embedded clause, as in
Arabic, Hebrew or Persian.)
"The man [that him I saw yesterday] went
home". (Similar to the previous, but with the resumptive pronoun fronted.
This occurs in modern Greek and as one possibility in modern Hebrew; the
combination that him of complementizer and resumptive pronoun behaves similar
to a unitary relative pronoun.)
"The [I saw yesterday]'s man went
home". (Preceding relative clause with gapping and use of a possessive
particle — as normally used in a genitive construction — to link the relative
clause to the head noun. This occurs in Chinese and certain other languages
influenced by it.)
"The [I saw yesterday] man went home".
(Preceding relative clause with gapping and no linking word, as in Japanese.)
"The man [of my seeing yesterday] went
home". (Nominalized relative clause, as in Turkish.)
"[Which man I saw yesterday], that man went
home". (A correlative structure, as in Hindi.)
"[I saw the man yesterday] went home."
(An unreduced, internally-headed relative clause, as in Tibetan or Navajo.)
Strategies for
indicating the role of the shared noun in the relative clause
There are four main strategies for indicating the role of
the shared noun phrase in the embedded clause. These are typically listed in
order of the degree to which the noun in the relative clause has been reduced,
from most to least:
1 Gap strategy or gapped relative clause
2 Relative
3 Pronoun retention
4 Nonreduction
Gapped relative
In this strategy, there is simply a gap in the relative
clause where the shared noun would go. This is normal in English, for example,
and also in Chinese and Japanese. This is the most common type of relative
clause, especially in verb-final languages with prenominal relative clauses,
but is also widespread among languages with postnominal externally headed
relative clauses.
There may or may not be any marker used to join the relative
and main clauses. (Note that languages with a case-marked relative pronoun are
technically not considered to employ the gapping strategy even though they do
in fact have a gap, since the case of the relative pronoun indicates the role
of the shared noun.) Often the form of the verb is different from that in main
clauses and is to some degree nominalized, as in Turkish and in English reduced
relative clauses.
In non-verb-final languages, apart from languages like Thai
and Vietnamese with very strong politeness distinctions in their
grammars[citation needed], gapped relative clauses tend however to be
restricted to positions high up in the accessibility hierarchy. With obliques
and genitives, non-verb-final languages that do not have politeness
restrictions on pronoun use tend to use pronoun retention. English is unusual
in that all roles in the embedded clause can be indicated by gapping: e.g.
"I saw the man who is my friend", but also (in progressively less
accessible positions cross-linguistically, according to the accessibility
hierarchy described below) "... who I know", "... who I gave a
book to", "... who I spoke with", "... who I run slower
than". Usually, languages with gapping disallow it beyond a certain level
in the accessibility hierarchy, and switch to a different strategy at this
point. Classical Arabic, for example, only allows gapping in the subject and
sometimes the direct object; beyond that, a resumptive pronoun must be used. Some
languages have no allowed strategies at all past a certain point — e.g. in many
Austronesian languages, such as Tagalog, all relative clauses must have the
shared noun serving the subject role in the embedded clause. In these
languages, relative clauses with shared nouns serving "disallowed"
roles can be expressed by passivizing the embedded sentence, thereby moving the
noun in the embedded sentence into the subject position. This, for example,
would transform "The man who I gave a book to" into "The man who
was given a book by me". Generally, languages such as this
"conspire" to implement general relativization by allowing
passivization from all positions – hence a sentence equivalent to "The man
who is run slower than by me" is grammatical. Note also that gapping is
often used in conjunction with case-marked relative pronouns (since the
relative pronoun indicates the case role in the embedded clause), but this is
not necessary (e.g. Chinese and Japanese both using gapping in conjunction with
an indeclinable complementizer).
Relative pronoun type
This is in fact a type of gapped relative clause, but is
distinguished by the fact that the role of the shared noun in the embedded
clause is indicated indirectly by the case marking of the marker (the relative
pronoun) used to join the main and embedded clauses. All languages which use
relative pronouns have them in clause-initial position: though one could
conceivably imagine a clause-final relative pronoun analogous to an adverbial
subordinator in that position, they are unknown.
Note that some languages have what are described as
"relative pronouns" (in that they agree with some properties of the
head noun, such as number and gender) but which don't actually indicate the
case role of the shared noun in the embedded clause. Classical Arabic in fact
has "relative pronouns" which are case-marked, but which agree in
case with the head noun. Case-marked relative pronouns in the strict sense are
almost entirely confined to European languages[citation needed], where they are
widespread except among the Celtic family and Indo-Aryan family. The influence
of Spanish has led to their adaption by a very small number of Native American
languages, of which the best-known are the Keresan languages.
Pronoun retention
In this type, the position relativised is indicated by means
of a personal pronoun in the same syntactic position as would ordinarily be
occupied by a noun phrase of that type in the main clause — known as a
resumptive pronoun. It is equivalent to saying "The man who I saw him
yesterday went home". Pronoun retention is very frequently used for
relativization of inaccessible positions on the accessibility hierarchy. In
Persian and Classical Arabic, for example, resumptive pronouns are required
when the embedded role is other than the subject or direct object, and optional
in the case of the direct object. Resumptive pronouns are common in
non-verb-final languages of Africa and Asia, and also used by the Celtic
languages of northwest Europe and Romanian ("Omul pe care l-am văzut ieri
a mers acasă"/"The man who I saw him yesterday went home"). They
also occur in deeply embedded positions in English, as in "That's the girl
that I don't know what she did",[4] although this is sometimes considered
Only a very small number of languages, of which the best
known is Yoruba, have pronoun retention as their sole grammatical type of
relative clause.
Nonreduction type
In the nonreduction type, unlike the other three, the shared
noun occurs as a full-fledged noun phrase in the embedded clause, which has the
form of a full independent clause. Typically, it is the head noun in the main
clause that is reduced or missing. Some languages use relative clauses of this
type with the normal strategy of embedding the relative clause next to the head
noun. These languages are said to have internally headed relative clauses,
which would be similar to the (ungrammatical) English structure "[You see
the girl over there] is my friend" or "I took [you see the girl over
there] out on a date". This is used, for example, in Navajo, which uses a
special relative verb (as with some other Native American languages).
A second strategy is the correlative-clause strategy used by
Hindi and other Indo-Aryan languages, as well as Bambara. This strategy is
equivalent to saying "Which girl you see over there, she is my
daughter" or "Which knife I killed my friend with, the police found
that knife". It is "correlative" because of the corresponding
"which ... that ..." demonstratives or "which ... she/he/it
..." pronouns, which indicate the respective nouns being equated. Note
that the shared noun can either be repeated entirely in the main clause or
reduced to a pronoun. Note also that there is no need to front the shared noun
in such a sentence. For example, in the second example above, Hindi would
actually say something equivalent "I killed my friend with which knife,
the police found that knife".
Dialects of some European languages, such as Italian, do use
the nonreduction type in forms that could be glossed in English as "The
man just passed us by, he introduced me to the chancellor here."
Similarly, spoken English tends to replace uses of the relative pronoun whose
with non-reduced clauses. For example, consider the following sentence:
The man whose
daughter I know is arriving tomorrow.
Informal English would tend to say instead
This man, I know
his daughter, (and) he's arriving tomorrow.
In general, however, nonreduction is restricted to
verb-final languages, though it is more common among those that are
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